Religion Clipart   Image 12 of 25
Free Religion Clipart

Free Clipart of Religion

Clipart picture of a fish symbol that consists of two intersecting arcs that become a fish. The fish symbol was used by early followers of Christ as a secret symbol to other Christians during times of persecution by Roman government. If strangers met on roadways, one might draw an arc in the dirt. If the other person finished it with a reversed arc, they knew they were with a fellow Christian,and they were among friends, once joined, the fish was revealed. The symbol has also been called the "Jesus fish". Early Greeks called the symbol Ichthys or Ikhthus, meaning "fish", and is an acronym for Jesus Christ, Our Savior and the Son of God.

Full image dimensions ~ 159 x 81 pixels

File size ~ 3 KB

Related Keywords ~
religion, christian fish, christian image, christian symbol, fish, fish symbol, Greek symbol, Ichthys, Ikhthus, intersecting arcs, jesus, Jesus Christ, Jesus fish, Our Savior , religion, religious, religious symbol, secret christian symbol, Son of God, spiritual, symbol, symbols

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Religion Clipart   Image 12 of 25
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