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Free Religion Clipart

Free Clipart of Religion

Clipart picture of a black and white drawing of an Egyptian Sphinx, the Great Sphinx of Giza. The Sphinx originally was formed from quarried limestone that had been layed upon a natural outcrop and then sculptured. The length is 242 feet long by 66 feet high. The body of the Sphinx is in the shape of a lion, symbolizing power. The head is in the shape of the Pharaoh Chephren. The head symbolizes intelligence, wisdom, and consciousness. The Sphinx rests in front of the pyramid of Khafra which faces east. Three tunnels have been discovered to date, one is behind the head, another is on the north side and the last in the tail. Amazingly they all lead to dead ends.The Sphinx is considered be some type of solar symbol that Ancient Egyptians used. The true meaning of the Sphinx remains an ongoing question. It is believed the Sphnix is far older than once thought, as old as 10,000 years old Weathered years, wars, present day pollutions, erosion by water, wind and sand storms, are all contributing factors in the damages that the Sphinx has had to endure.Today, Egyptian workers are proudly in the final phase of a 10-year long restoration project on the Sphinx. Flecks of paint found, indicate that it was painted a beautiful bright red at one time. Just why the Sphinx was built for the Pharaoh Chephren, still remains an unsolved mystery.

Full image dimensions ~ 263 x 175 pixels

File size ~ 17 KB

Related Keywords ~
religion, Ancient Egyptian Sphinx, black and white, Egyptian relic, egyptian sphinx, egyptian spinx, idol, lion bodied Sphinx, lion sphinx, Pharaoh, Pharaoh Chephren, quarried limestone, religion, religious, solar symbol, Sphinx, Sphinx body, Sphinx of Giza, symbol of power

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